Steps To Find Your Perfect Chess Coach

how to choose a perfect chess coach?

Every parent hopes to help their child develop a robust mindset that perfectly prepares them for the challenges in life. Hence they push their kids towards playing a sharp game like chess. During this pandemic, when kids had plenty of time in their hands, most found themselves utterly distressed and ideal. Hence, age-old mind-stimulating indoor games like chess became an everyday activity in households. Thus, the parents felt motivated to look for the best chess academy in India that brings an edge to a child’s thinking abilities, and how chess helps in brain development.

For centuries, chess has maintained its dignity as an indoor game that invigorates a player’s mind. It is amongst that leisure-time activity that teaches the player significant values of life. The chess game has always been compared to the situations in life where you strategize every move and step forward after measuring the risks and minutely analyzing the situation. But the reputation of a challenging game still revolves around chess, especially amongst children.

How to find your perfect chess coach?

Chess for kids

Amidst a sea of online chess coaches who claim themselves just the right fit for your child, you need to figure out that one chess grandmaster India, who would strive to make your youngster the master of Chess. Some children might just be learning chess as a mere hobby, but a good coach would also be amongst the top chess players in India, would understand your playing technique, and help you improve. Here are the steps to finding the perfect chess coach for your child.

Look for the Expertise in your Chess Coach

Experience matters for everything, especially when you are on the way ahead to select a coach who would teach you a tricky and mind-invigorating game like chess. An experienced chess coach or an Arena Grandmaster like Chandrajeet Rajawat who has a certification from an International Chess Federation like FIDE would know how to teach chess to a child and how to progress with them? No matter how much they charge, they would not experiment with their skills with a child because they already are the best chess player in India.

Look for a Chess Coach that understands your Strategies

You might already be a player but not that great, and that’s why you need a chess coach who refines your skills and gives you an environment by nurturing your critical thinking abilities. A good coach would understand your learning techniques; he would observe your playing strategies and build a program specifically tailored for you and your improvement as a chess player. They would quickly identify your weakness and work on it until you become a master player.

The ability of your chess coach to connect with you

Playing chess is not a punishment, and your chess coach must not treat it similarly. A good coach would always make a firm connection with you and take your opinion in all their sessions. They must listen to your queries before hopping on to the next idea. You must not feel burdened while asking your doubts during the learning session. Your coach should work as a mentor and your friend.

The Teaching method of Your Chess Coach

A perfect chess coach would have excellent tactics to make a student love chess. Any learning must come with new and unique information, and that is also applicable to learning games. A perfect coach would design their teaching method according to your comfort and understanding.

They would keep track of your progress and proceed further based on the same. He would not only improve your chess-playing techniques, but he would teach you the meaning behind a challenging game like chess that imparts life values.

Hence, a perfect chess coach would teach you chess-playing strategies and the strategies that would go way beyond the chessboard and are genuinely applicable in your life.

Before you step into finding the best chess academy for your child, you need to know how chess can contribute to your child’s complete mental development.


Skill Set a child would learn while Playing chess

Skills learned while playing chess


Parents want their children to turn intellectual and resonate with an environment that encourages critical thinking ability. There is no better way to do that than helping them teach chess in the best chess academy in India. However, it should not be just for the fact that your child would indulge in an activity that involves exercising one’s mind. Instead, think like this that you are preparing them for their life. Hence you should know the skills that your child would develop while learning chess.

Improving their Academic Performance

Several sources have confirmed that learning chess from the best chess player in India would mean improving a child’s logical reasoning abilities, such as their skills in mathematical aspects and enhanced linguistic skills. Even though a child is younger when they start learning chess, they would eventually grow and benefit from this skill.

Learn to build alliances 

The chess game creates an environment for a child where they learn to build alliances by working in groups. A child would sit in a group build relationships with people and peers in their group with whom they are learning, creating a sense of unity and togetherness. They would know that success comes when you take steps together as a team.

Develop a calm attitude, especially under pressure

Even as adults, we find it hard to keep our cool, specifically when under immense pressure. However, when kids play chess, they receive an atmosphere where they have that passion for winning the game, but they also know that panicking would disrupt their entire play strategy. Hence, they learn to keep calm even under pressure, and this way, they manage stressful situations efficiently in life.

Learn to deal with hurdles and resolve them efficiently

Chess teaches you how to weigh all the choices and moves in life efficiently. Hence, when a child sits to play the game of chess, he understands the significance of weighing down all his choices and learns that anything is done in a rush never yields positive results. 

There is a sea of advantages of learning chess. However, the most important thing is to find a chess coach who mentors you and walks by your side throughout your training session. So, you need to invest your time and money in someone who values it and deserves it.


Several chess players in India have appropriately understood the gripping effect of this challenging game. They have mastered their skills and have turned themselves into the best chess coaches. While online learning has staged a different world for anyone of any age to engage in activities and teachings that interest them, chess is no longer behind its game. Children at a ripening age have exceptional abilities to grasp anything; learning chess could become a fundamental motivator and guide for the rest of their lives.